Чойжи-Одсэр ба "Дөрвөн мутарт махагалийн магтаал" шүлгийн уран сайхны зарим онцлог
Some artistic peculiarities of poem ‘Praise of Mahakala’ and Choiji-Odser
Choiji-Odser, a Mongolian scholar, lived at the White Stupa of Dadu during the period of XIV century or 1305-1321 and translated many works from Sanskrit and Tibetan into Mongolian.
The Praise of Mahakala is a Mongolian Buddhist poem, which describes entirely the traditional Mongolian poetical style, rhyme, structure, composition, stanza, depiction and form.
Analyzing from the translation and linguistic peculiarities and method of poetry, his works based on the nature of language, culture, thinking and lifestyle of Mongolians that proved him to be a native Mongolian.