Монгол шүлгийн толгой холбох арга, түүний зүй тогтол


  • Галбаяр Г.


Холбоц, толгой холбоц, зүй тогтмол, монгол шүлэг, үе, өргөлт


A rhyme is one of the many factors that constitute a poetical versification. The rhyme is in the shape of a verse in perfecting the form of poetry, but it connects with the language and mind of a nation that is essentially homogeneous. The Alliteration of Mongolia verse is based on the ideas of Mongolian people that prefer the beginning of everything and the poet expresses the indigenous way of thinking of the nation, from the historical evolution of the Mongolian verse, it is predominant to connect the alliteration at any time. In the course of development of Mongolian verse, the alliteration has become more improved and matured, the link between Mongolian verse and the development of the verse has become more refined and mature, and at the same time, the Mongolian verse system has been steadily stable.

The beginning of a linear verse is being with same, identical analogous, and synonym pronunciation and meaning or being antonym pronunciation and meaning, and the alliteration is created by word and syllable which holds special meaning in the verse. Therefore, it is required to be careful to translate the verse and to express its meaning. As the beginning of the line verse connected each other having set in special legitimacy, the beginning of verse assimilated to each other through the lines and created the same rhythms. The Alliteration in Mongolian verse is created by two different ways that starts by consonant or vowel. The poetry with alliteration started by consonant is being with deep meaning but the with alliteration started by vowel is characterized more musical and dulcet. So, it certifies that more alliteration of Mongolian verse holds ver special legitimacy. Thus, the alliteration is mean character which can express of Mongolian verse.




How to Cite

Г., Г. (2023). Монгол шүлгийн толгой холбох арга, түүний зүй тогтол. Mongolian Studies, 42(506), 85–99. Retrieved from



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