Mongolian Studies <p>Mongol Sudlal (Mongolian Studies) is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, and open-access journal published by the Department of Mongolian Language and Linguistics, in collaboration with the Department of Literature and Art Studies, both affiliated with the National University of Mongolia.</p> <p>The international academic journal "MONGOL SUDLAL" (ISSN 1997-1826, DOI: <a href="" target="_new" rel="noreferrer"></a>) is proudly associated with the CrossRef academic database. Each forthcoming article is designated a unique DOI, simplifying "Google Scholar" registration and facilitating international citations.</p> <p>The journal focuses primarily on linguistics, philology, literature, and art studies, with a dedicated emphasis on Mongolian Studies. Beyond advancing scholarly knowledge in these disciplines, it actively promotes academic cooperation and interdisciplinary research to elevate the field of Mongolian studies.</p> <p>With a rich history dating back to 1946, the journal has been a prominent and internationally recognized academic resource in the field of Mongolian Studies. </p> National University of Mongolia en-US Mongolian Studies 1997-1826 Монгол хэлний дөрвөл бүрэлдүүлбэрийн утга <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234701</p> <p><a></a></p> <p>In this article, the author found that four component is in Mongolian language system. The author notes that there is the four component in linguistics subsystems such as Mongolian linguistics: phonetics, phonology, graphemes, lexicology, syntax, morphology, stylistics and semantics.</p> <p>It is said that this is basic concept for research and studies. For example, Short vowels: o, u, ö, ü; compound vowels: ō, ū, ȫ, ǖ; diphthongs: ǒē, ŭē, ȯē, ǚē; -Tan /-ton, -ten, -tön/ means that this suffix varies in compliance with vowels harmony with the following four vowels: a, o, e, ö “-tan /-ton, -ten, -tön/” etc.</p> Бадамдорж Д. Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 15 32 Б.Дэмчигдорж монгол хэл судлаач болох нь <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234702</p> <p><a></a></p> <p>In the history of Mongolian linguistics, there are many people who have studied the Mongolian language and linguistics, but some people are not well known by the public. One of them is Demchigdorj Baljirtündev, who was in charge of the Mongolian language affair at the Ministry of Enlightenment (Education) of Mongolia in 1960 and was also researching the modern Mongolian language. Heritage and documentary materials related to the life and research work of this person have recently been registered in the fund of our institute, and based on those materials, this article is being written in order to clarify and inform about the research done by this person on the Mongolian language.</p> Бат-Ирээдүй Ж. Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 33 39 “Монголын нууц товчоон” дахь нэрийн орхилт <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234703</p> <p><a></a></p> <p>Within the theoretical framework of Systematic Functional Grammar, cohesions are classified as ellipsis, substitution, reference, lexical cohesion, and conjunction. Accordingly, the author has analyzed and explained nominal ellipsis in Mongolian. Based on some nominal ellipsis observed in the Secret History of Mongolian, subjects and objects occurring in the first sentence are omitted in the next sentence but expressed as zero forms<br />The nominal ellipsis expresses the modal meaning to evaluate the phenomenon, and it will be a method to elaborate, extend and enhance the idea of texts.</p> Баттогтох Г. Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 40 46 Оюутан суралцагчдын бичих чадварыг хөгжүүлэх асуудалд <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234704</p> <p><a></a></p> <p>In the article, the author explains what kind of psychological cognitive activities occurs when an individual writes something and it is more pivotal for the students to acquire a knowledge of the process writing rather than analyzing and correcting mistakes in the product writing. Moreover, language teachers should constantly familiarize themselves with the theory, research, requirements, and recommendations regarding contemporary writing skills, and modify their teaching methods to prepare all students to become writers, scholars, and researchers. Hence, creating an enthusiastic student who believes, “I must acquire the writing ability”, and “It is significant for me to acquire writing skills” and not just getting grades is our top priority. The article suggested that if students have this attitude all of them can acquire successfully writing skills.</p> Баттулга Ч. Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 47 63 Монгол хэлний анхан шатны ангид суралцаж буй гадаадын суралцагчийн үгийн сангийн мэдлэгийг тогтоох нь <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234705</p> <p><a></a></p> <p>The teaching of Mongolian as a second language to foreign students and learners has a long history. Despite the publication of numerous textbooks and manuals for Mongolian language instruction, there remains a scarcity of comprehensive Mongolian vocabulary resources and research on vocabulary proficiency across different levels. This article addresses this gap by determining the vocabulary size of beginner-level learners of Mongolian as a second language. Our findings yielded a list of 733 words at the beginner M1 level and 930 words at the M2 level, totaling 1,663 words. For further details on the methodology and theoretical framework used in constructing this list, readers are referred to the full article.</p> Баяртуул Б. Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 64 84 Зая бандида Намхайжамцын орчуулгын зохиолын үгсийн сангийн онцлог <p> DOI: 10.22353/ms20234706</p> <p><a></a></p> <p>The Todo script monuments are one of the various monuments written in the Mongolian language and script. Among the major monuments of Todo script, the texts translated by Zaya pandita Namkhaijamts hold a remarkable position. The monuments of those translations have been handed down in a small number of Uyghur-Mongolian script, mostly in Todo script. Contains a rich vocabulary of the native Mongolian language from the 17th century and earlier. Zaya pandita Namkhaijamts’s translated literary monuments contains numerous old words that aren’t frequently used in the modern Mongolian language, both orally and in writing and have been transferred to the passive (archaic) vocabulary. Those words are considered in two parts: ancient words and obsolete words, and as an example, the meanings of some words are clarified with similar words in the active use of the modern Mongolian language.</p> Бямбажав Х. Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 85 95 Монгол хэлний daraγ-ā хэмээх үгийн өгүүлбэр дэх утга, үүрэг, хэрэглээ <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234707</p> <p><a></a></p> <p>In this Article, we describe the meaning of the word lexical meaning, grammatical function and usage in Mongolian. For this purpose, we have selected place-time relative noun “daraγ-ā” from the modern Mongolian, which causes great difficulties for user. There is still much uncertainly in the precise definitions of the word meaning, mainly in making a demarcation between line between the usages of spatial meaning and the temporal meaning, on the one hand, and between the adverb and place-time relative noun, on the other. But the meaning of the word “daraγ-ā” is used differently in modern Mongolian language. Therefore, the meaning of this word “daraγ-ā” is explained of the Mongolian language. First meaning of “daraγ-ā” for Mongolian represent the spatial and temporal meaning. Next meaning explained by frequency and sequence of action. How to use the word “daraγ-ā” in modern Mongolian language was studied at morphological and syntactic level “daraγ-ā” mean ‘at a time in the future.</p> Бямбаханд Ч. Ундармаа Н. Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 96 114 Монгол хэлний зарим мөхсөн дагаврын тухай <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234708</p> <p><a></a></p> <p>The examination of changes within inflectional systems and the origin and extinction of inflectional morphemes holds significant importance in understanding language evolution. Throughout linguistic development and its evolution, new morphemes emerge while others fall into disuse. Despite the prevalence of frozen and extinct suffixes within Mongolian root structures, there exists a notable gap in research concerning these extinct morphemes. This paper addresses the frozen suffixes within free root structures, focusing specifically on numerals as exemplars. <br />We propose identifying certain suffixes, occurring in limited number of word structures, and failing to form new words, as extinct suffixes. Specifically, we identify -na/-ne, -či, -r, -γa/-ge (-ba/-be, -ma/-me), and -ǰi suffixes within numeral constructions as examples of extinct morphemes. These suffixes are embedded within the structure of free roots in contemporary Mongolian, aligning with Sh.Luvsanvandan’s assertion that “one or more extinct suffixes are affixed to extinct primary roots” (1963) to create derived roots. <br />In contrast to suffixation, compounding shows greater creativity in word formation. Consequently, non-productive, and extinct suffixes tend to increase in the Mongolian language over time.</p> Ганбаатар Ж. Ундармаа Ө. Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 115 122 Дөрвөлжин бичгийн шанаган ’a-ийн талаар эргэн харах нь <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234709</p> <p><a></a></p> <p>Данная статья является продолжением об интервокальной согласной буквы འ ’a, именуемая в тибетской грамматике как а chung. Затрагиваемая нами проблема была рассмотрена в связи с другими письменными системами как ясное письмо, письмо Вагиндры, а так же с письмом ранджана, которое впоследствии стало не только эталоном многих письменностей, но и некоторые его графические способы выражения букв были приняты другими письменностями. Хотя в тибетском языке отсутствуют долгие гласные, тибетские ученые изобрели способ выражения долготу гласных, например, санскритских слов, путём добавления буквы а chung под соответствующими буквами (как подписную букву) и которая в грамматике тибетского языка считается нулевой морфемой.<br />Именно эта особенность нулевой фонемы а chung в тибетской письменности была принята в письме Пагба ламы для выражения отпавшей интервокальных согласных γ/g, b, m монгольского языка XIII века.</p> Даваасүрэн Б. Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 123 126 Уламжлалт орчуулгын хэлний ойролцоо үгс, утга, түүхэн онцлог <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234710</p> <p><a></a></p> <p>Different types of translation of the same textwork are the basic fundaments of the synonym formation.<br />The synonyms, one of the basic units of lexicology, express not only the nuances of the meaning but also play a crucial role in making the composition appropriate, meaningful, and eloquent. The synonyms can form in several ways, and here we tried to study the formation of the synonyms based on the several translations of “Subhashita” 1. Honourable word + ordinary word, 2. Written language word+ dialect word, 3. Synonym (mngon brjod ming) + ordinary word, 4. Archaic and historic words + new words, 5. Indigenous word + indigenous word, 6. Indigenous word + foreign word, 7. foreign word + foreign word, 8. idioms + idioms within the framework of the several different translations of the same work. During the research, while explaining some archaic and historic words, the origins of foreign words, the evolution of the meaning, and the usage with specific examples, we clarified from other sources, written monuments, and related dictionaries.</p> Дэмчигмаа О. Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 127 139 Хорчин нутгийн аялгууны нэгэн аман сурвалжийн үгийн сангийн онцлогийг тодруулах нь <p> DOI: 10.22353/ms20234711</p> <p><a></a></p> <p>Written language is divided into two types: "Library language" and "Oral written language". In addition, there are many studies that have analyzed a single written primary source in the field of Mongolian lexicology, but the study that used the oral text (transcriptions of audio recordings) of the “tales of the fiddle” has not been seen so far, тherefore we considered our research object as an "oral and written primary source" (aman ba bichgiin survalj).<br />We chose the “Romance of the Three Kingdoms (in Mongolian: γurban ulus-un üliger; in Chinese:三国演义)” which was performed by Bürenbayar bard (quγurči, Lit: the fiddle player) as a main object of our research work. In our research, we diachronically compared this version of the “Romance of the Three Kingdoms” with its different translations in Mongolian in order to identify features of the Khorchin (Qorčin) dialect that based on examples of the “tales of fiddle” that was performed by Khorchin bards.<br />In August 1984, Bürenbayar, an important source of the Khorchin dialect, performed the tale of the fiddle “Romance of the Three Kingdoms” for a total of 62 hours on the Khulunbuir Radio Committee. When we studied this tale of the fiddle from perspectives of the lexicological study, we revealed that the study of local/regional dialects and loan words was still lacking in the research field of tales of the fiddle. <br />However, 14 archaic words of Khorchin dialect, 18 words with phonetic changes, 9 words which are different for morphological structures than other Mongolian dialects, 22 words which are different for stylistic feature and its usage even though which are same to other dialects, and 18 distinct words were classified and explained.</p> Жавхлан М. Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 140 153 Монгол хэлний үйлдүүлэх хэвт өгүүлэхүүн нь гишүүнийг үйлдэх ба өгөх-оршихын тийн ялгалаар захирах нь <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234712</p> <p><a></a></p> <p>In this paper, we consider non derived verb stem which connected with passive voice suffix according to the meaning in group and most of words that indicate the action doesn’t belong to human, taking passive voice suffixes is depending on the order. Therefore, we aimed to explain close matter in the examples that agent active (human) average (animal) passive (thing) when original action performed agent who formed in dative, the meaning expressed in the sentence ordered by transitive verb. а. Action performed agent is animal, direct object is animal. b. Action performed agent is human, direct object is animal. c. Action performed agent is human, direct object is thing.<br />Ordering action is different with cause of action performed agent, object are human-human, human-animal, human-thing, animal-animal, animal-thing, thing-thing, some opportunities which to express, ordered by language structure, obviously depends on nonlinguistic factor.</p> Мөнгөнцэцэг Б. Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 154 162 Цахим санд суурилан хүүхдийн зохиолоос дуурайх үгийг тодруулах нь <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234713</p> <p><a></a></p> <p>That is vital to take into account whether the information provided to students through children’s literature can develop their knowledge, abilities, attitudes, and thinking, whether it provides life skills, moral education, and whether it is appropriate for the age of the child. Therefore, based on the electronic database of the author D. Myagmar’s novella “ Taste of Honey”, we calculated the total vocabulary and frequency of the novella, as well as the generation form and structure, using the AntConc program. Also, based on the frequency calculation, in addition to identifying the imitation words, the words used in the illustrations were specially considered, and the language characteristics of the novel were clarified. This novella consists of 9,020 repeated words and 2,665 non-repeated words. According to the calculation of vocabulary, syllables, and imitation words, the novel can be considered one of the novels aimed at enriching the vocabulary of 6-10-year-old children and improving language composition. This study is significant because it provides the rationale for including the novel in children’s literature through computations.</p> Нарантунгалаг Г. Батбямба Т. Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 163 169 Англи-монгол авиалбарын зарим нэр томьёог оноох асуудалд <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234714</p> <p><a></a></p> <p>In the academic record of any scientific discipline, the terminology specific to that field and the theoretical concepts it encompasses are crucial in relevance and priority. This lexicon is continually enriched through scientific achievements, new knowledge, and the outcomes of research endeavors within the domain. Indeed, the necessity to assign new terms in one’s language and clarify associated concepts arises particularly as a result of each master’s and doctoral thesis work, as well as innovative research works. <br />The purpose of this article is to consider the terminological issues within the scope of the thesis work “The Comparative Study of English-Mongolian Phonology”. Firstly, we address assigning terms to phenomena inherent to English phonology but absent within Mongolian phonological structures. Secondly, we aim to designate terminologies that exist with different names within Mongolian linguistic dictionaries.<br />In the context of the aforementioned thesis work, we selected the terms related to English phonology and assessed their inclusion in Mongolian dictionaries and their treatment in research. Where these terms were found, we conducted a comparative analysis to understand their respective assignments in Mongolian within each dictionary. As a general practice, if the same terms had consistent definitions across most previous dictionaries and had already been entrenched in teaching and research, we opted to maintain continuity by adhering to those established terms. Additionally, terms established in “Phonetics and Phonology”, Volume VIII of “Mongolian Language Studies,” authored by Urtnasan et al. (2022), were adopted, given their foundation in empirical research. However, for the terms sampled from the selection, those that belong to English phonological phenomena not translated into Mongolian, as well as terms typically rendered into Mongolian in various ways in previous research, were subjected to theoretical definitions and explanations. Examples were provided to illustrate the application of these terms. Accordingly, phonological terms of the English language were categorized into four parts. It is important to note that it is not feasible to discuss every term in this article; therefore, only some of the key terms were selected, and one to two examples were provided in each section for clarification. By providing such detailed explanations and proposed translations, we aim to ensure clarity and accuracy in the assignment and understanding of scientific terms within the English-Mongolian phonological context.</p> Нямжав Б. Батхишиг С. Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 170 180 Монгол, хятад хэлний үйлдэх/ үйлдүүлэх утгын айн зэрэгцүүлэл <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234715</p> <p><a></a></p> <p>To enhance clarity regarding the structural, functional, and semantic aspects of Mongolian and Chinese verbs, as well as Mongolian action types and their manifestation in Chinese, this paper conducts a comparative analysis of verb patterns. By examining how Mongolian and Chinese action patterns intersect and diverge, and through the analysis of original literature examples, commonalities in action patterns across both languages are delineated. Additionally, this study elucidates the inherent meanings associated with actions in Mongolian and Chinese contexts.</p> Одгэрэл Б. Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 181 187 Монгол хэл зүйн бүтээл дэх хэл шинжлэлийн нэр томьёоны хөмрөгийн байгуулалт <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234716</p> <p><a></a></p> <p>The language text corpus is a large knowledge corpus and provides useful information and data for the study of many aspects of society, life, politics, and economy in addition to linguistics. The large collections of text in a language is collected to store in a computer to form a text corpus. A lot of rich language knowledge is hidden in the vocabulary created by this way, and in order to bring it out and put it into real use, the vocabulary needs to be developed. By the vocabulary, knowledge of real value for research and application can be extracted from language material. Therefore, researchers create various levels, and in order to find the information needed for their research, they make detailed dissections and markings in more than a level. By processing at many levels, such as lexicography, syntax, semantics, etc., it can be fully used in research such as dictionary creation, machine translation, automatic sentence generation, phonetic analysis, information search, and automatic recognition. In this article titled in «Automatic Recognition of Mongolian Linguistic Terms» would be considered about the compilation and processing of written language materials based on the four-volume book as «Grammar of Mongolian Writing Language» (Mongol bičgiin helnii züi) by Academician Byambyn Rinchen, and he created a branch of linguistic terms in that work.</p> Уранбилэг Э. Давхарбаяр Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 188 200 “Лхантав” дахь монгол, төвөд эмийн зарим нэр <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234717</p> <p><a></a></p> <p>Ancient maarambas (specialists in Tibetan medicine) used medicine and tantra to treat any disease. It is clear from the text that some medically difficult diseases treated with tantra methods in addition to the detailed instructions on how any diseases originated, how to treat them, and what the result of the treatment would be. Also, you can recognize the names of any medical plants and diseases, which named differently in Tibetan and Mongolian languages. For example, dandelion (#&lt;- 3R%- ,); garlic(|RJ- $ .,), Carum buriaticum ($RJ- ~R.,); pomegranate-(?J- :V,), antlers(&gt;- &lt;,) - ; <br />γaniraqu – speechless disease; γalǰaγuraqu – faint disease; ungγasun – wool disease or typhoid disease...ect.<br />The book included not only the method of curing each disease such as killing\removing germs, improving physical activity, reducing swelling, expectorating, laxative, sexually transmitted diseases, infantive stool disease, and diarrhea, but also the instructions for the use of medicine too. <br />Therefore, it is crucial to standardize the terms of diseases and medicines in the translations of Lkhantab by making clear explanations in the future.</p> Халиун Л. Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 201 217 Унгар Улс дахь хятан бичгийн судалгаа <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234718</p> <p><a></a></p> <p>The study of the Khitan script in Hungary began in 1927, with the Hungarian famous orientalist Lajos Ligeti as the pioneer, and then several scholars successively joined the field of research, forming a unique study of the school. So far, there has been nearly a hundred years of research history in this field in Hungary. This paper collates and researches the literature collected by the author during her stay in Hungary, and introduces the development history and research results of Khitan study in Hungary.</p> Бай Юаньмин Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 218 228 “Монгол үг бичиг” дэвтэр дэх “Монголын Нууц Товчоон”-ы тухай <p> DOI: 10.22353/ms20234719</p> <p><a></a></p> <p> </p> Цогтнаран Х. Түвшинтөгс Б. Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 229 246 Миньхэ монгор хэлний *ki- үйл үгийн түүхэн хувьслын тухай орчин цагийн монгол хэлний байдалтай харьцуулан үзэх нь <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234720</p> <p><a></a></p> <p>This paper considers the development of the verb *ki- (to do) in the Minhe Monguor language from a diachronic perspective, compared with Modern Mongolian.<br />As a result of the research, *ki- (to do) became ge- [gǝ-] as a simple word and -ke- [-kǝ-] as the denominal verbal suffix in forming verbs from words of Chinese origin. Moreover there is another alternation of the suffixes -ke- [-kǝ-] ~ -qi- [-ʨi-] which men tend to use more often. In other words these three morphemes have the same origin *ki- and the phonological changes can be explained as occurring in the order 1.*ki- &gt; -ke- [-kǝ-] (voiceless), 2.*ki- &gt; -qi- [-ʨi-] (palatalized), and 3.*ki- &gt; ge- [ɡǝ-] (voiced) etc.<br />Finally, the similarities and differences between two languages were mentioned in the conclusion.</p> Шиотани Ш. Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 247 257 Юань Улсын дуурьлигийн зарим монгол үгээр дундад үеийн монгол хэлний авиазүйн онцлогийг илрүүлэх нь <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234721</p> <p><a></a></p> <p>During the 13th-14th centuries when the Yuan dynasty existed, the Mongolian and Chinese nationalities were under the same government and had extensive relations in terms of politics, economy, religion and culture, many Mongolian words occured in the Yuan Plays of that time. Mongolian words encountered in the Yuan Plays’ scripts of the Yuan Dynasty were phonetically recorded in Chinese, making it possible to know the pronunciation of Mongolian words at that time. Therefore, through the phonetic system of the Mongolian and Chinese languages of the XIII-XIV centuries we were comparing these mongolian words in historical sources like “Mongolian Secret History”, “Hua-i i-yu Chinese-Mongolian dictionary”, “Zhong yuan yin yun (中原音韵)” , “Historical Linguistics of the Mongolian Language”, “Phonology of the Chinese Language (汉语音韵)”, “Sketches of the History of the Chinese Language (汉语史稿)”, and after analysing them, the phonetics features are clarified.</p> Эгшиг Ш. Бай Тинтин Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 258 268 Гарчиг <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> . Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 7 12 Редакцын зөвлөл <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> . Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 2 5 Зохиогчдын танилцуулга <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> . Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 508 510 Хэвлэн нийтлэлийн шаардлага <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> . Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 511 518 “Монгол судлал” эрдэм шинжилгээний сэтгүүлийн товчоон <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> . Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 519 519 Хөвсгөл аймгийн Цагаан-Үүр сумын буриадуудын хэлний нөхцөл байдлын шинжлэл <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234740</p> <p><a></a></p> <p>Field research of local dialects in Mongolia intensified during 1955-1970s and consequently several works on the classification of local dialects were published. When these works were analyzed, some local dialects were classified into Buryat, Oirat or Khalkha groups based on ethnic origins of the speakers due to lack of sufficient source data. This was undoubtedly a significant result to some extent at that time. However, language evolves in accordance with social, historical and political circumstances. Therefore the Buryat dialect of Khuvsgul was selected as the research subject due its scarce documentation and the need for accurate classification.</p> <p>As a result of this research, the following conclusions were made. The local dialect of the Buryat ethnic people of Khuvsgul is:</p> <p>1. a Khalkhized Buryat dialect or a Khalkha dialect with Buryat root</p> <p>2. is an endangered language as it assimilated to Khalkha dialect and should be considered part of Khalkha dialect group</p> <p>3. a real-world example of the influence a country’s official script and its main dialect has on local dialects. Moreover, depending on their geographical location, there are other dialects that have become Khalkhized and Oiratized. There is a need for contemporary analysis and re-classification of Mongolia’s local dialects.</p> Батхишиг С. Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 480 495 Хорчины “Бодь галав хаан” туулийн судалгааны тойм <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234741</p> <p><a></a></p> <p>The horqin region is the centre of Mongolian Epics. Among the numerous epics to be found in the horqin region, there are twenty-four (eighteen main chapters and six sub-epics), sagas that are very unique in form and content. The first Chapter of this eighteen-chapter series will be the epic Bodhi Galab Khan. The epic poem “Bodhi Galab Khan” is called the First Galab or the First Galab by the horqin Mongolians. It is thought that after this first Galab, 18 more gala periods followed. The name of these periods include the second “Altan Galab Khan”, the third “King of Ultimate Heroes”, the fourth “Knig of the Golden Stone”, the seventeenth “Imaginary Heroes”, and the seventeenth “The King of the Golden Stone”. “The Hero of Dreams”, the 18th “The Blue Bull”. It will be Horqin people call these legends and epics “eighteen stories” or “eighteen strange stories”. The first two legends, “Bodhi Galab Khan” and “Altan Galab Khan”, are epic stories because they relate the origin of the world of Galab. In the epic poem “Bodhi Galab Khan”, “Bodhi Galab Khan” along with the stone forest, fights against the horned monster with the mad hero and extols the heroics of the final victory over the monster. In this paper, we are presenting for the first time how scholars at home and abroad have collated and analysed the epic “Bodhi Galab Khan” and how they have come to divergent conclusions.</p> Хосбаяр М. Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 496 505 “Гэсэрийн тууж”-ын тухай <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234733</p> <p><a></a></p> <p> </p> Гонгоржав Б. Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 414 417 “Монголын бурханы шашны аман түүх” хэмээх гурван цувралын тухай <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234734</p> <p><a></a></p> <p> </p> Даваасүрэн Д. Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 418 426 Эртний бичээс нь хэлний түүхийг судлах чухал эх сурвалж мөн <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234735</p> <p><a></a></p> Маналжав Л. Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 427 431 Өвөр Монголд дэлгэрсэн “Шүйху-гийн үлгэр”-ийн монгол орчуулгын шинжлэл <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234736</p> <p><a></a></p> <p>‘Shui Hu’ was translated into Mongolian during the late Qing Dynasty and began to be disseminated in Inner Mongolia in written form. Based on the changes and advancements in the dissemination of the Mongolian-translated version of ‘Shui Hu’ in Inner Mongolia, it can be divided into three periods: the late Qing Dynasty period characterized by written dissemination, the Republican era period characterized by written dissemination, and the period since the 1960s and 1970s characterized by written dissemination. During the late Qing Dynasty, handwritten versions of the Mongolian-translated edition of ‘Shui Hu’ actively circulated, with around 100 to 120 handwritten copies in existence. In the Republican era, lithographic editions of the book enjoyed widespread dissemination. Since the 1960s and 1970s, the reprints or simplified versions of the Mongolian-translated edition have predominantly been disseminated in the form of pictures. The written dissemination of ‘Shui Hu’ exhibits unique characteristics, including diverse versions, creative translation techniques, various editions, and a focus on catering to readers demands.</p> Дагуул Жинь Рүн Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 432 436 Өвөр Монголын яруу найрагч Артайн уран бүтээлийн судалгааны тойм, ололт <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234737</p> <p><a></a></p> <p>Considering the theme of Artai’s poem, the poet of the Mongolian ethnic group, a small minority in China, he has a “mine” that preserves the great energy of the motherland and the people, as well as love, happiness and sadness. Every time you read Artai’s poems, you will be overwhelmed by the power of magic, that is embedded in every line of the poem. This is the awakening of thought and the power of language. Writing poetry in Mongolian is a praise of his today’s great merit. There are quite a few poems with a simple tone and style in Artai’s poetry. However, those poems with simple language are written with a deep meaning towards the people and the nation. His artistic language, which contains the color of the Mongolian mentality, teaches about the love of Mongolian traditions and heritage. Artai writes poems without forgetting the nation, state, and people. Moreover, he is a poet who writes wonderful poems as a part of his country’s whole life. Those people, who are a part of the great history, breathe the sacred air of their country from the magical words written in poetry in order to preserve their national culture, history, literacy, and customs.</p> Тогтомж Б. Өрнөхдэлгэр Д. Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 437 450 Өвөр Монгол ижилсэл ба орчин үеийн бүжгийн хөгжим <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234738</p> <p><a></a></p> <p>Since the establishment of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of the People’s Republic of China in 1947, there have been many changes in the social and cultural life of Inner Mongolia. Among them, “Ulaan Tchihir” and art groups for cultural and artistic activities were established in cities and rural areas. Since then, on the one hand, Mongolian ethnic identity based on traditional culture, on the other hand, civic identity reflecting the influence of China’s policy and culture, and a distinctive culture of Inner Mongolia, which is different from other Mongolian ethnic groups, have been formed. As a result, it was reflected in culture and art works and attracted the attention of domestic and foreign audiences. An example of this can be considered the performance of the song and dance theater of Hoh city, including dance music. In this study, the theater’s “Ovgod” dance performance was analyzed, and the features of Inner Mongolia reflected in the dance and musical elements of the performance were analyzed. In doing so, in addition to textual analysis of the works, interviews were conducted with the artists and analyzed in comparison with previous research. In this study, the formation of “Inner Mongolian” cultural identity, which is caused by the history, society and culture of Inner Mongolia, was considered.</p> Хэрэйд Утгат Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 451 459 Амаргүй цаг үед монгол судлалыг авч үлдэхийн төлөөнөө зүтгэсэн амьдрал, ажил үйлс: Монгол судлаач, доктор, профессор Ута Шөне багш (1941.11.28 - 2024.04.07)-ийн гэгээн дурсгалд зориулав <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234739</p> <p><a></a></p> Инес Штольпе Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 460 477 Чингийн үеийн хоёр хятад их бууны тухайд <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234729</p> <p><a></a></p> Алтангүл Б. Отгонтуул Т. Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 384 389 Монгол Улсын брахми бичээсийг тайлж уншсан хүний тухай <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234730</p> <p><a></a></p> Беньямин Б. Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 390 394 Холбоо хамаарлын үүрэг түрэг-монгол хэлний нийтлэг хэв шинж үүсэхэд нөлөөлсөн нь <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234731</p> <p><a></a></p> <p> </p> Даваасүрэн Б. Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 395 401 Александр ба түрэгүүд <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234732</p> <p><a></a></p> <p> </p> Отгонсүрэн Ц. Боржигин Отгон Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 402 411 Мөрдэндэвийн Ядамсүрэнгийн “Гурван хүүхэн” туужийн хам сэдвийг задлан шинжлэх нь: Эмэгтэйчүүд ба хүч <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234722</p> <p><a></a></p> <p>In this paper, we analyze the context of the novella “Gurvan khüükhen (Three Girls)” by Yadamsüren Mӧrdendev, known as the Mongolian literary figure of the modern era, and interpret the implications of this. To gain a deep comprehension of any text, it’s crucial to thoroughly examine its contexts, including history, social phenomena, stratification, political ideology, religious beliefs, and cultural symbols. We analyzed and interpreted the literary, social, political, cultural, economic, women’s, and author’s contexts and their role in the novella.</p> <p>The plot of the novella “Gurvan khüükhen”, first published in 1936, begins with the action of the female character “leaving the home” and shows the situation of Mongols at the beginning of the revolution, the old and new social ideology. In doing this, the female body is objectified, symbolizing the inevitable decline of the old society through the portrayal of Zandanbal. She becomes immersed in the old city’s life, trapped in its wounds, and ultimately perishes. Conversely, the advancements of the new society are embodied by the teacher Khorolmaa, while the societal transition’s missteps are exemplified by Khas-Erdene. The portrayal of how representatives from both the old and new societies influence women’s independent decision-making and education is shaped by various social, cultural, political, and economic contexts.</p> <p> </p> Нандинбилиг Г. Даваадорж И. Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 271 288 Богд хаант Монгол Улсын албан ёсны төрийн бэлгэдлийн уламжлал, шинэчлэл <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234723</p> <p><a></a></p> <p>When the state symbolism of the Bogd Khanate of Mongolia was created, a dual state symbolism was adopted incorporating both Mongolian state symbolism originating from the era of the Hunnu Empire and state symbolism originating in ancient India.</p> <p>The state symbols of the Bogd Khanate of Mongolia may be classified into two types by legal status, official and unofficial. Where the official symbolism included the three symbols of the state emblem, state flag, and state seal enacted in the “Mongolian Legal Rescript Enacted by Decree,” the unofficial symbolism included symbols like the national anthem and the Seven Imperial Treasures that were used despite not being legally enacted.</p> <p>As for the specific features of the state symbolism of the Bogd Khanate, they consisted in raising the majesty and authority of the absolutist, theocratic khan, as shown by each symbol, as well as adopting ancient Indian state and religious symbolism and reflecting international norms, thereby asserting Mongolia’s status as an independent sovereign nation.</p> Нямдорж Д. Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 289 313 Монгол, тува хэдэн бөөгнөл үлгэрийн тухай <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234724</p> <p><a></a></p> <p>In world folklore there is one method which called cumulation which repeat plot of the fairy tales cyclically. In cumulative tale with increasing the number of character actions are repeated many times. The author in this paper compares some Mongolian and Tuvan structurally cumulative folk tales with similar plot such as Mongolian “Мөнгөн ташаатай хулгана” “Rat with Silver Side”, Tuvan “Күскениң шинчилели” “Thought of Rat”, Mongolian “Болдоггүй Боролзой өвгөн” Mischievous Old Man Borolzoy”, “Болдоггүй бор өвгөн” “Mischievous brown Old Man” Tuvan “Муң кара хойлуг Бумбаадай” “Old Man Bumbaaday with thousand Black Sheeps”, Mongolian “Бэтгэлжин бор шувуу” “Sparrow with Echinococcuss”, Tuvan “Бора-Хөкпеш” “Sparrow”, Шиижегей кушкаш “Siskin”, Mongolian “Далантай өвгөн” “Old Man Dalantai”, Tuvan “Aштаан бөрү биле Сергежигеш” “Hungry Wolf and Billy Goat”, Tuvan “Кавылаа-Сарыг”Kavylaa Saryg”.</p> Ууганбаяр М. Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 314 338 Зохиолч Сормууниршийн Дашдооровын дэлгэцийн урлагт эзлэх байр суурийн асуудалд /“Их замын эхэнд” киноны жишээн дээр/ <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234725</p> <p><a></a></p> <p>This paper, in addition to elucidating the contributions of the folk writer Sormuunirshiin Dashdoorovyn to 20th-century Mongolian cinematic art, will also discuss the value, significance, historical context, artistic thought, character imagery, and character portrayal in the feature-length artistic film “At the Beginning of the Great Road”.</p> <p>In the film ‘At the Beginning of the Great Road’, Mongolian lifestyle is vividly and expansively portrayed. n the movie “At the Beginning of the Great Road”, the director deeply understood the Mongolian customs depicted by the screenwriter and showcased this in his cinematic art, making the work a perfect whole.</p> Хишигсүх Б. Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 339 354 Ховогсайрын Торгуудын уртын дуун дахь морины зүсмийн бэлгэдэл <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234726</p> <p><a></a></p> <p>In this article I have analyzed three long songs “Alia tsavidar morin”, “Galzan Hoo”, “Nariihan saikhan kheer” of Hovogsair’s torguts. In long songs related to Mongolian horses, the colors of those horses are symbolized and various meanings are expressed. Namjav Namjaa is a unique singer who was born among the Torgut people of Hovogsair, Xinjiang, and his long songs are still sung at weddings. Among the songs Namjav sings, three songs are about the color of horses, and we have analyzed these three songs. The characters of the horse and the color of the horse and in the long song of Hovogsair’s Torguts conveys important and deeply ideas In the song “Alia tsavidar mori”, the state is symbolized by “buural” color and buddizm is symbolized by “bumba (cupping glass)” stamp. He also song a song combining the state and religion, symbolizing religion with the “khürd (wheel)” stamp and the monastery. In general, this song symbolizes peace for all. Also in the song “Galzan hoo”, the Hoo galzan and Galzan hoo horses are used as symbolic characters, clearly expressing the feelings of a person who misses his mother and country. In the song of the third song, “Nariikhan saikhan kheer”, the lover’s song shows the feeling of longing for a loved one who is sitting far away with the symbol of three horse colors: “kheer”, “khar” and “khüren”. These songs are symbolized pease for all.</p> Бадамцэцэг Н. Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 355 362 Морин хуурын нэршлийн хувьсал, өөрчлөлтөд хийсэн зарим ажиглалт <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234727</p> <p><a></a></p> <p>The “Morin Khuur”, one of the traditional musical instruments of the Mongolian nation has been modified and updated over the centuries. Along with this, its name has also changed, and today we mostly use the popular name “Morin Khuur”. On the one hand, it seems to be widely recognized as one of the Mongolian folk musical instruments, and to be known to the world, but there are some shortcomings such as forgetting and not using the previous names, and misinterpreting the differences. On the other hand, we consider it important to reuse the old names of the “Morin Khuur” and similar musical instruments, and to use them for naming newly made musical instruments according to old sources and the era in which they were used. Correct use of names within the framework of its origin is important for the further development and renewal of Mongolian traditional musical instruments. In this article, we intend to explain each of the names created as a result of renewing the “Morin Khuur”, and to suggest some opinions on how to use them.</p> Даваапил П. Үндэс Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 363 368 Монголын мэргэжлийн чавхдаст хөгжимчдийн ур чадварын хөгжилд зөвлөлтийн мэргэжилтнүүдийн оруулсан хувь нэмэр <p>DOI: 10.22353/ms20234728</p> <p><a></a></p> <p>This paper is a study on the foundation of the western music education in Mongolia, the professional skills of artists, and the choronology of changes occured on the design and development in some national musical instruments and how it was transmitted and developed with the participation of expert teachers of the former Soviet Union. This study was written based on examples of string instruments, which created favorable conditions for clarifying the role played by Soviet music teachers and experts.</p> <p>The main content of this paper consists of the period of introduction of western music and western music sheet in Mongolia (1914-1937) and the period which Mongolians began to train professional artists from an early age.</p> <p>The original materials of the research work have been used as references from the National Central Archives, the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Education and Science, archives of National conservatory of Mongolia and other compilation of documents published in the field of culture and art.</p> Отгонжаргал Г. Саранчимэг Х. Copyright (c) 2023 Монгол судлал 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 47 597 369 381