Богд Очирваань-Отгон тэнгэр хайрхан шүлэг найрагт дүрслэгдсэн нь

Bogd Ochirvaani- Mt.Otgontenger in poetry


  • Галбаяр Г.


In art and literature, which are considered to be as main expressions of Mongolian culture and thinking, a respect and preference for nature, a desire to protect mountains and rivers are largely reflected. Scenes of mountains, rivers, plants from different places are kept forever in mind of Mongolian literature and thanks to their variety of individual styles they narrate about the various myths, beauties and fairy tales. In order to determine what sides are looked upon and what implicit meanings are expressed in description and praise of mountains in poems and songs, as well as what contributions these expressions make to the development of literature, we have profoundly studied description about Bogd Ochirvaani Otgontenger mountain and revealed the following aspects.

One, the Mongolians have a rich and specific culture and tradition that teaches to be close to nature, protect and worship the places in which they were horn. If. to consider the meaning and value of these events from different sides, it is clear that the Mongolians prefer complying general natural law and follow the way of living style as specified by this law. This, conversely, became a basis of love for nature and the earth.

Two. on purpose to impressively and emphatically express the structure and specific properties of mountains and rivers and to explain their meanings, the Mongolians preferred to make legends and symbolize. This had a significant role for their view and thinking.

Three. description about the Bogd Ochirvaani Otgontenger mountain mainly narrates from the side of external structure as well as internal properties that influence to human living style. In order to express the external features of the mountain, comparisons are used between the mountains and other things, comparisons in which precise and expressive descriptions are dominated. Whereas, to express internal properties or consequences and efficiency reflected in human mind, simple descriptions based on deep feelings caused by mediation, contemplation and deep thought are prevailed.

It is clear that such descriptions aiming to ascertain the meaning and specific structure of mountain and rivers not only glorify mountains, but also play male a significant contribution to the development of literature generally.




How to Cite

Г., Г. (2023). Богд Очирваань-Отгон тэнгэр хайрхан шүлэг найрагт дүрслэгдсэн нь : Bogd Ochirvaani- Mt.Otgontenger in poetry. Mongolian Studies, 34(360), 158–170. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/6299



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