Хорчины "Галавын үлгэр" дэх дүр, домог зүйн өгүүлэмж

Characters and motifs of “Story of the Galav” of the Qorchins


  • Нандинбилиг Г.


Монгол домог зүй, баатарлаг туульс, Галавын үлгэр, мангасын үлгэр, хорчины соёл, хуурч, цоорч


A Mongolian mythological text of the “Story of the Galav” was taken down by S.Dulam in Ulaanbaatar in May 1977, from a 73 years old Bayaryn Chunraa, who was moved from Qorchin Mongol to Ulaanbaatar in the 1940s. In 1983, S.Dulam circulated it in scientific circles with J.Vacek in Charles University Prague. Among a great variety of motifs, which construct main mythic and epical characters in the texts of the “Story of the Galav” of Mongolian, Tibetan, Indian and Central Asian, make it complicated to define its genre. The transmitters of this work considered it as a story tale, but the scholars who studied the work used a binary term of mythic-epic.

According to theoretical point of view, the author considers that the story has mythic characters with power, decision and interference of the heaven, not human power. Specifically, it is defined as mythology of monsters/creatures that remind the future generation about civilization’s value and progress through the fear of the ancient recalls of the human beings who were eaten human flesh. By analyzing the ending of the “Story of the Galav”, the myth of origin is directly related to Geser epic - Senlon born from the heavens and the sun became the father of Geser, Tsoton, uncle of Geser came from the heaven deity-human and the sons of Sharai golyn three kings were born from heaven deity- monster, - this is regarded as a beginning of the myth of “Geser epic”.




How to Cite

Г., Н. (2023). Хорчины "Галавын үлгэр" дэх дүр, домог зүйн өгүүлэмж: Characters and motifs of “Story of the Galav” of the Qorchins. Mongolian Studies, 43(520), 124–132. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/4299



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