Социализмын үеийн монголын соёлын өөрчлөлт: Цагаан сарын бэлэг солилцох ёс

Culture Change in Gift of Tsagaan Sar


  • Нандинбилиг Г.


монгол, бэлэг, цагаан сар, бэлгэдэл, соёлын өөрчлөлт


This paper discusses the trend of comparative research on the relationship between a traditional concept of gift culture by the Mongolians and cultural changes of Mongolian Tsagaan Sar in the socialist era. The following conclusions have been drawn:

  1. The figure of the gifts has been changed by other culturel influence though the symbolic meaning of them has been enriched meaningfully by their multiplied numbers, right shapes, and bright white colors and so on.
  2. During the socialist period, the Mongolians` nomadic lifestyle has been transformed into the settled one. So that, gradually `share` or `gift` was commonly given during the celebration of Tsagaan Sar.

In cultural development, consumer-oriented thinking or benefit-based mind has been eliminated by the influence of different cultures. But today, `gift giving custom` or `gift exchanging custom` became common that shows the nature of gift has been losing its cultural value due to consumerism throughout diversified cultural effects.




How to Cite

Г., Н. (2023). Социализмын үеийн монголын соёлын өөрчлөлт: Цагаан сарын бэлэг солилцох ёс: Culture Change in Gift of Tsagaan Sar. Mongolian Studies, 40(463), 148–156. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/4208



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