Үйлдүүлэх, үйлдэгдэх хэвийн дагавар бүхий хам бүтцийн утгын онцлог


  • Мөнгөнцэцэг Б. МУИС


хэлний ба хэлний бус хүчин зүйл, ижил бүтэц, хувилбар бүтэц, утгын ялгамжаа


In this paper, the author aims to explain regularities and linguistic and non-linguistic factors in defining differences in meaning manifested by the same grammatical relations, examples of constructions containing causative voice.

The description of sentence meaning and subject and object depend on whether the subject and object are Person-Person, Person-Animal, Person-Thing, Animal-Animal, Animal-Thing, Thing-Thing. Though the means of expression obey grammatical structures, it can be concluded that differences in meaning may be restricted by non-linguistic matters.

This is crucial to defining detailed differences in the meaning and function of suffixes indicating grammatical relations, equivalent sentence components, and structures. In particular, from the viewpoint of grammatical structure, exemplified sentences may be correct in form but semantically inappropriate due to non-linguistic factors.




How to Cite

Б., М. (2023). Үйлдүүлэх, үйлдэгдэх хэвийн дагавар бүхий хам бүтцийн утгын онцлог. Mongolian Studies, 44(543), 68–73. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/4123



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