Хэлний сургалтанд цахим толь бичиг ашиглах асуудалд
Some issues on the use of electronic dictionaries in the language classroom
сургалтын хэрэглэгдэхүүн, техник технологи, толь зүй, хэлний сургалт, цахим толь бичигAbstract
This paper aims to find out some issues on the use of electronic dictionaries in the language classroom. Today’s dictionaries are more informative and easy to access among learners than it was before. Electronic dictionaries have been becoming more frequently used devices and applications to the learners at different levels in the EFL/ESL classrooms. In this paper, we carried out a survey among 270 learners at the National University of Mongolia and tried to figure out the reflection of using electronic dictionaries as well as the reason why they are popular in the language classes at the National University of Mongolia.
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цахим эх сурвалж: