Authors' guideline


I. Structure

  • Title
  • Author's information
  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Introduction including purpose, research questions, research methods, and materials
  • Main body
  • Results
  • Conclusion
  • Reference
  • Appendix /optional/

1. Title: All letters should be capitalized in Mongolian and English

2. Languages:Mongolian and English. Articles written in Mongolian should have English abstracts and vice versa. 

3. Author's information: Write your first name and then your last name with superscript number 1 as shown here. Below the names on the title page, write your affiliation, educational degrees with academic position, email address, and ORCID. In the case of many authors, please assign superscript numbers for each one and all information mentioned above. 

4. Abstract: Should be written in 200 words both in Mongolian and English. 

5. Keywords: Should contain 5-8 keywords

6. Article length: Should contain approximately 5500 words to 9000 words, not including tables, captions, and reference lists

7. Font: The abstract should be written in Times New Roman italics, and the main body text should be written in Times New Roman; the title should be 14pt; the author's name and Abstract should be 10pt, italic; graphs, diagrams, and captions should be 10pt.  The main body should be 11pt. Spacing should be 1,15.  

9. Margins: A4  (210mm x 297mm), Тop 2 см, Bottom 2 см, Right 2 см, Left 3 см; all text should be justified. Pages should not be numbered, and there is no use of header and footer. Abstract and keywords should be indented. For the Mongolian language, the first paragraph should be indented.  

10. Citation: Citations should follow APA style as below: 

  • Following the citations, source names, year of publication, and page number should be written within parentheses. For instance, a citation (Shagdar, 1991, p. 37) 
  • When using online sources, use shortened version of the link. You can use the following for shortening the link  URL Shortener Link Verkürzer - Along with the link, indicate the date of access to the website. 

11. Reference: Divide your references into three parts: Mongolian, English, and Online sources. List your references in alphabetical order. Include only cited sources in the reference section. 

II.Content requirements

  1. The submitted articles or any written work should not be under any consideration for publication elsewhere and follow ethical norms and codes. Please refer to the following at the National University of Mongolia 
  2. After submission, if the paper does not meet the standards and reviewers or editorial team view to be not suitable, the author(s) will be notified.
  3. For graduate students, the submitted paper should have permission from the advisor before reiew process. The article should meet the standards and requirements of academic paper. э.

III. Fees and distribution:

  • Articles will be notified whether they can be published in the journal after the first review or screening. We charge review costs upon receipt of the article. The fees are not refundable.

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