Суралцагчийн соёл хоорондын харилцааны чадамжийн түвшнийг тодорхойлох нь

Determining Student’s Level of Intercultural Competence


  • Bat-Uchral G. МУИС, ШУС, Хүмүүнлэгийн ухааны салбар, Европ судлалын тэнхим




соёл хоорондын харилцааны чадамж, соёлын чадамжийн түвшин, сурах бичгийн агуулга, сургалтын хөтөлбөр, хоёрдогч хэл


The intercultural competence has become one of the essential skills for everyone. However, the lack of intercultural competence among Mongolians is evident in many areas of society on a daily basis. Therefore, the cultural competence in the content of secondary education was studied on the example of the textbook "Civic Education", which is studied continuously for 12 years while intercultural competence on the example of the textbook “English language” which is studied for 8 years, consequently. The purpose of the study was to compare the results of the textbook study and answers of the students to determine the intercultural competence obtained from the first-year students of the bachelor's program who have recently completed the high school and analyze the current situation.


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How to Cite

G., B.-U. (2023). Суралцагчийн соёл хоорондын харилцааны чадамжийн түвшнийг тодорхойлох нь: Determining Student’s Level of Intercultural Competence. Mongolian Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures, 26(565), 63–73. https://doi.org/10.22353/mjflc.v26i565.1690

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