Англи-монгол авиалбарын зарим нэр томьёог оноох асуудалд

On the Issues in Assigning Some English Phonological Terms in Mongolian


  • Нямжав Б.
  • Батхишиг С.


харьцуулсан судалгаа, англи, монгол, авиа зүй, нэр томьёо


DOI: 10.22353/ms20234714


In the academic record of any scientific discipline, the terminology specific to that field and the theoretical concepts it encompasses are crucial in relevance and priority. This lexicon is continually enriched through scientific achievements, new knowledge, and the outcomes of research endeavors within the domain. Indeed, the necessity to assign new terms in one’s language and clarify associated concepts arises particularly as a result of each master’s and doctoral thesis work, as well as innovative research works.
The purpose of this article is to consider the terminological issues within the scope of the thesis work “The Comparative Study of English-Mongolian Phonology”. Firstly, we address assigning terms to phenomena inherent to English phonology but absent within Mongolian phonological structures. Secondly, we aim to designate terminologies that exist with different names within Mongolian linguistic dictionaries.
In the context of the aforementioned thesis work, we selected the terms related to English phonology and assessed their inclusion in Mongolian dictionaries and their treatment in research. Where these terms were found, we conducted a comparative analysis to understand their respective assignments in Mongolian within each dictionary. As a general practice, if the same terms had consistent definitions across most previous dictionaries and had already been entrenched in teaching and research, we opted to maintain continuity by adhering to those established terms. Additionally, terms established in “Phonetics and Phonology”, Volume VIII of “Mongolian Language Studies,” authored by Urtnasan et al. (2022), were adopted, given their foundation in empirical research. However, for the terms sampled from the selection, those that belong to English phonological phenomena not translated into Mongolian, as well as terms typically rendered into Mongolian in various ways in previous research, were subjected to theoretical definitions and explanations. Examples were provided to illustrate the application of these terms. Accordingly, phonological terms of the English language were categorized into four parts. It is important to note that it is not feasible to discuss every term in this article; therefore, only some of the key terms were selected, and one to two examples were provided in each section for clarification. By providing such detailed explanations and proposed translations, we aim to ensure clarity and accuracy in the assignment and understanding of scientific terms within the English-Mongolian phonological context.




How to Cite

Б., Н., & С., Б. (2024). Англи-монгол авиалбарын зарим нэр томьёог оноох асуудалд: On the Issues in Assigning Some English Phonological Terms in Mongolian. Mongolian Studies, 47(597), 170–180. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/8823



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