Нүүдлийн соёлоос суурин соёлд шилжсэн Шинжаан Ойрадуудын үгийн сангийн онцлог

The language features of Xinjiang Oirats moved from nomadic to settled culture


  • Батхишиг С.
  • Орломжав


Шинжааны ойрад, хэлц хэллэг, нүүдлийн соёл, суурин соёл, хэлний өөрчлөлт


The paper aims at introducing the language status and explaining the language features of Xinjiang Oirats while exploring the semantic and lexical changes in idioms and idiomatic expressions and culture of two dialects in one culture.

The features of national mentality are commonly emerged in the language which is considered as a component of national culture and national character, and more specifically, it is usually interpreted by the idioms and idiomatic expressions.

A study on idioms plays a prominent role in the studies on Mongolian Lexicology. Not only it clarifies, explains and identifies the features of national mentality, but also more recent studies have been conducted on the comparison and contrast of idioms in two languages. Historically speaking, the social disintegration in Mongolia created differences in language dialects of Mongolian ethnic groups. Some of Mongolian nomads had moved to the settled culture earlier than ever before.

The main objective of the study is to clarify what the distinctive features of languages and cultures in which the speakers of two different cultures live and interact with each other. The cases of two dialects are investigated and the most commonly used idioms and idiomatic expressions are examined in this study.




How to Cite

С., Б., & Орломжав. (2023). Нүүдлийн соёлоос суурин соёлд шилжсэн Шинжаан Ойрадуудын үгийн сангийн онцлог: The language features of Xinjiang Oirats moved from nomadic to settled culture . Mongolian Studies, 43(520), 40–48. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/4280



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