Ю.Н.Рерих "Дэвтэр онбо" хэмээх төвд сурвалж бичгийг орчуулсан туршлагаас

Y.N.Roerich`s translation of “Deb-ther sNgon-po”


  • Бүрнээ Д.


"Deb-ther sngon-po" is considered to be one of popular Tibetan historical sources. The book was written by a recognized Tibetan historic Gos lo-tsa-ba gzhon-nu-dpal (1392-1481), translated from Tibetan to English by George. N. Roerich, a renowned Russian scholar of Tibet and Mongolian study, and published for the first time in 1949 with a name, "Blue Annals". Later, it was published again in 1976, 1978, 1988, 1995, and 1996, respectively.
George. N. Roerich wrote in his scholarly comprehensive introduction what role the given work has played in Tibetan historical writing and how it studied the history. From George. N.Roerich's translation, it can be clearly seen how much thorough research and effort he put into the work.




How to Cite

Д., Б. (2023). Ю.Н.Рерих "Дэвтэр онбо" хэмээх төвд сурвалж бичгийг орчуулсан туршлагаас: Y.N.Roerich`s translation of “Deb-ther sNgon-po” . Mongolian Studies, 36(386), 42–46. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/6134



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