“Монголын нууц товчоо” дахь өнгө, зүсэм нэрлэсэн үгсийн утга


  • Бадамдорж Д.


“Монголын нууц товчоон”, өнгө, зүсэм, эерэг сөрөг эрчим, үгийн утга


DOI: 10.22353/ms20224601


The research work is done through specifically selecting the Secret History of the Mongols and researching mentality, cognition and linguistic interdependence of the 13th century literature of Great Mongolian Empire on the basis of the cognitive semantics objective. Mongolians are people with a unique national identity who express the semantics meaning of the complexion and coat colors of human, animal and things on their own peculiarity. According to the author's research and observation, it is referred that the White and Bright color indicates respect, well-being, and positive value of intensity, while Black and Dark color the war, reckless actions, and negative value of intensity. As a rule, the meaning expressed by complexion and coat color manifested in the symbolism elements of Mongolians is the interdependence of mentality, cognition and language expression of Mongols. It is mentioned on the fact that white, blue, and yellow colors have positive intensity meaning, but black, red and brown colors indicate negative intensity meaning respectively.




How to Cite

Д., Б. (2023). “Монголын нууц товчоо” дахь өнгө, зүсэм нэрлэсэн үгсийн утга. Mongolian Studies, 46(587), 5–14. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/5845



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