Лаозар хуурчийн хэлсэн “Чэн Яо Зинийн эмчилсэн нь” гэдэг хуурын үлгэр дэхь Чэн Яо Зиний дүр

The character of Cheng Yao Jin in the fairy story “Cheng Yao Jin healing” bye storyteller Lao Si Er


  • Цогт


In this paper, the character of Cheng Yao Jin in the fairy story ‘Cheng Yao Jin heals’ by storyteller Lao Si Er is analyzed thoroughly from five aspects. In analyzing process, Chinese traditional stories and social state, people's life and thinking at the time the story was written are taken into account. In the end, it is proved that although the story and its main character Cheng Yao Jin is originated from Chinese story, it has become the Mongolian story and character that is now completely adapted to Mongolian culture.




How to Cite

Цогт. (2023). Лаозар хуурчийн хэлсэн “Чэн Яо Зинийн эмчилсэн нь” гэдэг хуурын үлгэр дэхь Чэн Яо Зиний дүр: The character of Cheng Yao Jin in the fairy story “Cheng Yao Jin healing” bye storyteller Lao Si Er. Mongolian Studies, 34(360), 181–192. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/6313



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