Монгол хэлний орны утгат тийн ялгалыг задлаг хам бүтцээр илрүүлэх нь
тийн ялгал, орон цагийн утгат тийн ялгал , орон цагийн нэрAbstract
In Mongolian language has eight types of case suffixes, which are nominative, genitive, dativelocative, accusative, ablative, instrumental, comitative and directive case. In Mongolian language the case includes spatial case. Dative-locative, ablative, instrumental, directive case are of spatial cases in Mongolian, which has semantic correlation. Within the structural cases, dative-locative, ablative, instrumental, directive case can change to each other, but the reverse alternation is ruled.
The relevant observation is that, synthetic structure with “spatial case” and the analytical method with “дээр, дотор, хооронд” and used in VP and SOV. The analytical method commonly used to grammatical word.