Цахим санд суурилан хүүхдийн зохиолоос дуурайх үгийг тодруулах нь

Defining emulating words of children's literature based on e-corpus


  • Нарантунгалаг Г.
  • Батбямба Т.


хүүхдийн зохиол, “Балын амт” тууж, Д.Мягмар, цахим сан, үгийн сан, давтамж, дуурайх үг, үе


DOI: 10.22353/ms20234713


That is vital to take into account whether the information provided to students through children’s literature can develop their knowledge, abilities, attitudes, and thinking, whether it provides life skills, moral education, and whether it is appropriate for the age of the child. Therefore, based on the electronic database of the author D. Myagmar’s novella “ Taste of Honey”, we calculated the total vocabulary and frequency of the novella, as well as the generation form and structure, using the AntConc program. Also, based on the frequency calculation, in addition to identifying the imitation words, the words used in the illustrations were specially considered, and the language characteristics of the novel were clarified. This novella consists of 9,020 repeated words and 2,665 non-repeated words. According to the calculation of vocabulary, syllables, and imitation words, the novel can be considered one of the novels aimed at enriching the vocabulary of 6-10-year-old children and improving language composition. This study is significant because it provides the rationale for including the novel in children’s literature through computations.




How to Cite

Г., Н., & Т., Б. (2024). Цахим санд суурилан хүүхдийн зохиолоос дуурайх үгийг тодруулах нь: Defining emulating words of children’s literature based on e-corpus. Mongolian Studies, 47(597), 163–169. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/8822



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