XIX зууны төгсгөл XX зууны эхэн үеийн монгол уран зохиолын зарим бичил төрөл зүйлийн асуудалд
Үлгэр өгүүллэг, "Үг" зохиол, "Яриа" зохиолAbstract
In previous studies, ‘Word’ and 'Dialogue’are considered to be either same genre or dissimilar one that have twomeanings within fairytale-stories. According to our study, these two genres are relatively independent of each other. During the process of development, ‘Fairytale’ shifted to 'Fairytale-stories’ and ‘Fairytale-stories’ to ‘Narratives ’ whereas ‘Word’ to ‘Dialogue ’ which area micro-genre of novels that transferred to modem drama.