“Эзэн Чингис хааны билиг сургаал”-ын судлагдсан байдал

Studies on “Chingis khaany bilig surgaal”


  • Дашдэжид С.


In this article, author examines the scientific and research studies on “Chingis khaany bilig surgaal”. The scholars [Sh.Choimaa, E.Purevjav, Kh.Namjil, G.Akim] and source studies have have divided the work into the following:
1. Folklore - intellectual prowess and superiority of proverbs 2. Natural intelligence and wisdom of Ezen bogda
3. Life experience, learning from others and the wise men that use his mind to call upon past teachings.
Also professor G.Munkh has classified it:
1. Khutag bilig (his sayings and teachings)
2. Öv bilig (expressed his ideas enriching others teachings)
3. Örgömöl bilig (Chingis khan’s teaching and sayings to his sons, successors, generals and ministers; others’ sayings related to his success and deed)
4. Ish bilig (quotes on Chingis khan’s concepts based on historical source materials) These classifications are helpful to do the further investigations.




How to Cite

С., Д. (2023). “Эзэн Чингис хааны билиг сургаал”-ын судлагдсан байдал: Studies on “Chingis khaany bilig surgaal”. Mongolian Studies, 36(386), 145–151. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/6149



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