"Гэсэрийн тууж" дахь хатдын дүрийн онцлог
тууж, хатад дагинас, бэлгэдэлт дүр, уран дүрслэлAbstract
A valuable historical source, the Geser Epic is considered the longest literary work in the world. The beauty, wisdom, intelligence and good manners of the beautiful princesses and queens are described as the light of the sun and the moon and their warlocks and feats of bravery have been depicted by the symbolic metaphor identification.
It is interesting that the importance of the Mongolians views and values on women have been revealed by the different figures such as Rogmo Goa by her attractiveness, Aju Mergen by her wisdom and skilled talent and Amiga Goa by her strict morality and mindfulness.