Монгол баатарлаг тууль дахь андгай тангараг тавих ёс
баатарлаг тууль, андгай, тангараг, зан үйл, илдний ир, цус, бэлэг, хурууAbstract
Mongolians' history, culture, morals, life, and aspirations are widely reflected in the heroic epics. In the Mongolian tradition, certain rituals of making friends and taking oaths have been performed. In this article, we aim to emphasize who, when, with whom, and how to take an oath by comparing the common patterns of making friends and swearing in the Khalkha epic and the Oirat epic. Although the ritual of taking an oath has changed considerably from ancient times, its original meaning is preserved, according to Mongolian folklore, historical sources, and documents. Women’s connection to the swearing-in story in the epic of Geser is unique and interesting from other heroic epics.