Манж нарт холбогдох зарим чухал нэрийн утга, бичлэгийн тухай


  • Мөнх-Учрал Э.


Хунтайж, Жүрчин, зэрлэг жүрчин, Манж, Дайчин


DOI: 10.22353/ms20224611


The correct spelling of any name directly depends on its origin and meaning. There are some cases where key names, such as Manchu, Hongtaiji, Jurchen and Daiching related to the history of the Manchus are incorrectly written in Mongolian. Therefore, it is essential to introduce research on the meaning of these names. According to an International Bibliography of Manchu Studies, by 1990, 17 articles were published on the origin and meaning of the name “Manchu” (Stary 1990a: 870). The number shows us how serious the issue is. Pei Huang (1990: 280) claims that tracing the real meaning of the name Manchu is fruitless. However, it does not mean that all related studies are worthless. Оn the basis of these studies, it is possible to support some arguments, and also, one can suggest the correct spelling of these names in the Mongolian language. This article aims to suggest the Mongolian spelling of the above mentioned names based on their available Manchu, Chinese, Jurchen and Korean spellings in historical sources, dictionaries and related studies. 




How to Cite

Э., М.-У. (2023). Манж нарт холбогдох зарим чухал нэрийн утга, бичлэгийн тухай. Mongolian Studies, 46(587), 90–100. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/5856



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