Морин хуурын нэршлийн хувьсал, өөрчлөлтөд хийсэн зарим ажиглалт

Evolutions and Changes in the Name of the Musical Instrument 'Morin Khuur': A Premilinary Analysis


  • Даваапил П.
  • Үндэс


DOI: 10.22353/ms20234727


The “Morin Khuur”, one of the traditional musical instruments of the Mongolian nation has been modified and updated over the centuries. Along with this, its name has also changed, and today we mostly use the popular name “Morin Khuur”. On the one hand, it seems to be widely recognized as one of the Mongolian folk musical instruments, and to be known to the world, but there are some shortcomings such as forgetting and not using the previous names, and misinterpreting the differences. On the other hand, we consider it important to reuse the old names of the “Morin Khuur” and similar musical instruments, and to use them for naming newly made musical instruments according to old sources and the era in which they were used. Correct use of names within the framework of its origin is important for the further development and renewal of Mongolian traditional musical instruments. In this article, we intend to explain each of the names created as a result of renewing the “Morin Khuur”, and to suggest some opinions on how to use them.




How to Cite

П., Д., & Үндэс. (2024). Морин хуурын нэршлийн хувьсал, өөрчлөлтөд хийсэн зарим ажиглалт: Evolutions and Changes in the Name of the Musical Instrument ’Morin Khuur’: A Premilinary Analysis. Mongolian Studies, 47(597), 363–368. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/8836



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