Монгол хэлний тайлбар тольд үгийн утгыг тайлбарлах онол-арга зүйн асуудалд - 2

Theoretical and methodological issues in preparing definitions 166-176 for the Mongolian language dictionary - 2 (Describing meanings of terms for water and derived natural and meteorological phenomena)


  • Сэржээ Ж.


This article aims at analyzing words that commonly appear in all languages, for example: yc (water), yyp (steam), үүл (cloud), манан (fog), будан (mist), xyp (precipitation), боpoo (rain), мөндөр (hail), цас (snow), мөс (ice), шүүдэр (dew), хяруу (frost), цан (hoarfrost), хүүрэг (hoar-frost), etc. It has been to show how these words have explained in Mongolian explanatory dictionaries. According to the conducted study, suggestions have been presented on how these words, shared by all languages of the world, can be explained in Mongolian explanatory dictionaries.




How to Cite

Ж., С. (2023). Монгол хэлний тайлбар тольд үгийн утгыг тайлбарлах онол-арга зүйн асуудалд - 2: Theoretical and methodological issues in preparing definitions 166-176 for the Mongolian language dictionary - 2 (Describing meanings of terms for water and derived natural and meteorological phenomena). Mongolian Studies, 38(412), 166–176. Retrieved from



Шүүмж, тэмдэглэл