Гарагийн нэрээс хүний нэр үүсэхүй

Personal names derived from the names of days of the week


  • Сувд Ц.


Mongolians have a long tradition and custom of naming their children after days of the week. Tibetan names of solar calendar for the days of the week like Даваа, Мягмар, Лхагва, Пүрэв, Баасан, Бямба, Ням and Sanskrit names of lunar calendar like Сумьяа, Ангараг, Буд, Бархасбадь, Сугар, Санчир, Адьяа are common names. These names cannot be only used as personal names itself but also combine together such as Давааням, Мягмарлхагва, Пүрэвдаваа, Баасанбямба, Бямбадаваа, Нямдаваа, Нямлхагва that compose numerous compound names.
In this article, the author studied the frequency of the personal names which derive from Tibetan and Sanskrit names of the days of the week such as Лхагвасүрэн (9906), Пүрэвсүрэн (8062), Бямбасүрэн (7708), Мягмарсүрэн (6875) and Даваасүрэн (6869) have been found over 3000 and Сумьяа (2771), Адьяа (2506) have been found 3000 times less.




How to Cite

Ц., С. (2023). Гарагийн нэрээс хүний нэр үүсэхүй: Personal names derived from the names of days of the week. Mongolian Studies, 36(386), 98–103. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/6142



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