"-ča..." үе-утгалбарын утга, гарал, тархац

Diffusion, origin and meaning of “ca” sylla-semema


  • Базаррагчаа М.


“са” sylla-semema which forms nouns and verbs has two main meanings that “spread from same point” and “gather from every direction”. It is connected to any other roots and suffixes and expresses the meaning of norms of that thing or phenomena and their increasing, re-increasing in number, aligning, possibility and state. Above mentioned two main meanings are recurred in the root. For instance, “ca” sylla-semema which is in the word - “casu (snow)” states the same meaning of the shape of snow flake, in the word “sacu-( to sprinkle, to spray)” - the meaning of sprinkling and spraying, in the word “ccgce-(order, system)” - the meaning of beeoming systematic and well-ordered, in the word “cuca-(to get tired)” - the meaning that the power of people or animal aiming directly for something weakens, returns and becomes loose, in the word “buca-(to return), bucal-(to boil)” - the meaning of returning, going against and weakening or being exhausted, “ca” sylla-semcma in the words “тооцох-(К> account)” has the meaning of registering the whole thing at the same time and “ci” sylla- semema in the word “тоочих-(и> enumerate)” has the meaning of registering item by item. Therefore, the meaning to express quantity and amount derived from the main meaning “spread from same point” of “ca, ci” sylla-semcmas.

Furthermore, “ca” which is in the suffixes with the meaning of performing many together “-lea, caya-, -nci/ar, quyica, bari-са-, teng-ce-” and also “ca” in the word of “bari-ca” (grasp, holding) which forms the noun point out many images of the thing and its states. “6a” sylla-scmema which is in the words, such as, qara-ca (sight), uryu-ca (growth, crops), bayta-ca (capacity), orfl-cc (diaphragm), niyuca (secret), ni-ca (to bits), neyi-ce (fit, compatibility), burkuce (coverage), ki-ce (style) has the meaning of not only the consistence of many things, but also the state. But “cu” sylla-semcma which is in some words, such as, coy (ember), naya- ca (uncle/aunt - one-fork/branch T.A.Bcrtagacv), yo-cu (special, extreme), mancu (full-faced, chubby), mancui (swaddling clothes, nappy), cu (ch-suffix to distinguish in parallel way), qaracu (common people), comcuy (Mongolian tent - ger which has a wooden roof ring with neck) expresses the meaning of “gather from every direction” and “not many, whole and one”. However, “-ci, со” in the words cabci-(to chop) and соуса (body) have the meaning of “to form and to create” whereas “ca, -ca” have the meaning of “to break and destroy”.





How to Cite

М., Б. (2023). "-ča." үе-утгалбарын утга, гарал, тархац : Diffusion, origin and meaning of “ca” sylla-semema. Mongolian Studies, 30(318), 3–40. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/4657



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