Монголын нууц товчоо хийгээд орчин цагийн монгол хэлний гарал нэгтэй хэдэн хэлцийн тухай
On some phraseologisms of the Secret History of the Mongols and modern Mongolian language of one origin
монгол, нууц, "Монголын нууц товчоо"Abstract
In this paper, the author compares one phraseologism from the Secret History of the Mongols with some phraseologisms of modem Mongolian language. According to the author, the phraseologism of ilugey-iyen ja’uba ‘to bite one's lower lip’ has one origin with some modem Mongolian phraseologisms such as хөмхийгөө зуух ‘to set ones jaw’, шазуур зуух ‘to bite one's lower lip’, шүд зуух ‘to clench one's teeth’, араагаа зуух, араандаа зуух ‘to clench mid molar’.