Монгол хэлний дэвсгэр үсэг ба академич Ш.Лувсанванданы нэгэн гар бичмэл

Syllable closing consonantof the Mongolian language and one manuscript by Sh.Luvsanvandan


  • Түвшинтөгс Б.


This article presents a transcription and commentary on a manuscript article by Sh. Luvsanvandan concerning Mongolian-language consonants that require or do not require a succeeding vowel. In the orthography of the classical Mongolian script there are 11 consonants known as "devsger", which do not require a succeeding vowel; in contemporary Mongolian there are nine such consonants (b, g, r, s, d, l, m, n, and ŋ). Although Luvsanvandan's position-based theory of Mongolian-language consonants is discussed in many of his other works, this manuscript will be of value to scholars wishing to study, compile, and appreciate the scholarly works and legacy of this great scholar.




How to Cite

Б., Т. (2023). Монгол хэлний дэвсгэр үсэг ба академич Ш.Лувсанванданы нэгэн гар бичмэл: Syllable closing consonantof the Mongolian language and one manuscript by Sh.Luvsanvandan . Mongolian Studies, 37(392), 87–93. Retrieved from



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