Веб-мэдлэгийн хөрөг болох нь

Web as a source of knowledge


  • Алтангэрэл Ч.
  • Пүрэв Ж.


In this paper we aimed at introducing the web as a source of knowledge (such as lexical semantic network) and language resource (such as machine translation corpus) and at analyzing contents quality issues of Mongolian web.

As a result of the research, texts in the web have many orthographic errors and irregular code formats. When creating sources, inputting correct texts is very important thing that can reduce the time and effort to clean for further research and usage.

Any artifact such as news, information and publication etc. on the web are the intellectual properties of Mongolia and are resources of the knowledge based modem society. That is why from the very beginning they should be prepared and dealt with carefully and correctly.




How to Cite

Ч., А., & Ж., П. (2023). Веб-мэдлэгийн хөрөг болох нь: Web as a source of knowledge. Mongolian Studies, 31(328), 1–5. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/4274



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