Маргаан мэтгээний жүжиг наадмын аман уламжлал: холбоо ба дайралцаа
Монгол, аман уламжлал, ардын жүжиг наадам, маргаан мэтгээн, шүлэг, холбоо, дайралцааAbstract
In this article, we aim to analyze the poetry of Holboo and Dairaltsaa, as well as the oral traditions of debate, the role of pedagogy, and the specifics of the performance, based on oral history or old-story facts. Holboo and Dairaltsaa are genres of debating plays and are directly related to each other. The Holboo originates from traditional wedding rituals. The performance in Holboo probes their knowledge of ancient myths and history. Dairaltsaa teaches youngsters fast-paced profound debate, and the ability to include allegories in their verses. Holboo and Dairaltsaa help teach children the fluent use of figurative rhetoric in their speech by developing their debate capability.