Population teaching, training and research in Mongolia Монгол дахь хүн ам зүйн сургалт ба судалгаа

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R, N. Pandey


Though sporadic attempts were made in Mongolia for the study and research in the field of the population in the past but systematic efforts started only after the setting up Population Teaching and Research center (PTRC) at the National University of Mongolian in 1992 with financial support from the United Nations Population Fund (UNPFA). This paper gives brief the activities undertaken so

Though sporadic attempts were made in Mongolia for the study and research in the field of the population in the past but systematic efforts started only after the setting up Population Teaching and Research center (PTRC) at the National University of Mongolian in 1992 with financial support from the United Nations Population Fund (UNPFA). This paper gives brief the activities undertaken so far by the PTRC in teaching, organizing short term training programmes for senior officers from other organizations and conducting research in priority areas of population concerns. Within a short period of its existence, the PTRC has done tremendous job but much more remains to be done which it will try to accomplish in the next four years.

Урьд өмнө нь Монголд хүн ам зүйн салбарт шинжилгээ судалгааны ажлыг тодорхой түвшинд хийгдэж байсан боловч чухамхүү системтэй сургалт, эрдэм шинжилгээний ажлыг 1992 оноос НҮБ-ын Хүн амын сангийн тусламжтайгаар МУИС-ийн дэргэд байгуулагдсан ХАЗССТ-ийн байгуулагдсанаас хойш эхэлсэн юм. Энэ өгүүлэлт ХАЗССТ байгуулагдсанаас хойших богино хугацаанд хийж гүйцэтгэсэн болон ирэх дөрвөн жилд хийхээр зорилт болгон төлөвлөж буй үйл ажиллагааны талаар тодорхойлохыг оролдсон юм.

far by the PTRC in teaching, organizing short term training programmes for senior officers from other organizations and conducting research in priority areas of population concerns. Within a short period of its existence, the PTRC has done tremendous job but much more remains to be done which it will try to accomplish in the next four years.

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Author Biography

R, N. Pandey

Doctor, UN Technical adviser, Population Training and Research Center, School of Economic Studies, National University of Mongolia