Гадаад хэлний боловсролын чиглэлийн сургалтын хөтөлбөр боловсруулах аргазүйн асуудалд -магистрын түвшиний сургалтын хөтөлбөрийн жишээгээр-
To the issue of curriculum development in foreign language education – in an example of master’s curriculum –
гадаад хэлний боловсрол, сургалтын хөтөлбөр, академик компетенц, судалгааны компетенц, ерөнхий компетенцAbstract
In this paper, we are sharing some results of studies and program evaluation conducted for the purpose of reforming the Master’s curriculum in foreign language education within a framework of a curriculum reform at the National University of Mongolia. This curriculum is believed to have certain advantages and distinctive features as both the analysis of foreign and local teaching trends and curricula and the study on local market needs were taken into consideration.
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