Цагаан сүлдийн алдагдсан дуудлагын хоёр хуулбарыг тодруулах нь

Emphasizing two duplicates of abandoned eulogy of the white spirit banner


  • Бадамсамбуу Г.


Б.Ринчен, Ц.Дамдинсүрэн, цагаан туг сүлд, туг сүлдийн өчиг, Лу жанжин, Элжигэн, Тугч Мөнхдалай


Well-known Mongolian scholars B.Rinchen and Ts. Damdinsuren duplicated the sutra of White Spirit Sülde’s Eulogy (from the custody of the Vexillary) that had been remained in province of Warlord Lu (of Eljigen) in 1963 and turned into the research circulation. These duplications were observed comparatively. These duplications of the scholars are available to be considered as a certain resource for recognizing the importance and essentials of the ‘White Spirit Sülde’ which had been worshipped as the ‘Tuǧ Spirit of Chinggis Khaan’. It is possible that the scholars’ duplications replaced ‘Amusing Sutra for Tuǧ Sülde’ which is kept in and then lost from Central State Museum.




How to Cite

Г., Б. (2023). Цагаан сүлдийн алдагдсан дуудлагын хоёр хуулбарыг тодруулах нь: Emphasizing two duplicates of abandoned eulogy of the white spirit banner. Mongolian Studies, 43(520), 66–94. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/4294



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