Харилцах үйлийн онцлог, нийгмийн үүрэг

The communicative feture and social function


  • Буянтогтох Г.


Given article is devoted for the analysis structure of mentality of Mongols, as expression external and a private world of knowledge. It is known, that progress of mentality occurs owing to influence of two forces – constantly extending knowledge of the world and laws of knowledge of the world, that is consists in reflection of cumulative and gnosiological functions of language and grows out dynamical processes of mastering and transformation of knowledge. Mentality - it is a mentality, attitude, the spiritual mood, inherent in group. The mentality of Mongols defines mood and a vital position Mongols.

Communication - a specific form of human interaction for the transfer of information from one person to another, carried out by means of language and other sign systems.




How to Cite

Г., Б. (2023). Харилцах үйлийн онцлог, нийгмийн үүрэг : The communicative feture and social function. Mongolian Studies, 40(463), 61–75. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/4191



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