Factors to be considered in choosing the type of conventional dwelling: Mongolian case

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Myagmarsuren Boldbaatar


This study attempted to determine the factors that influence the choice of the type of dwelling using the sample from the “Urban Poverty and in-Migration” survey, which was conducted by Population Teaching and Research Center at School of Economic Studies, National University of Mongolia in 2004. Regression models for categorical data such as Ordered Logit and Multinominal Logit models were utilized to answer the research question under consideration. Due to the data availability, ten factors were used in this analysis but during the estimation stage two factors were excluded from the analysis on account of the statistical significance. It concludes that the factors, namely age, sex and education level of the head of family, number of person in household, percentage of migrants in household, number of children in household, total revenue of household per year and percentage of food expenses in total expenditure per year have significant effect on probability to live in particular type of dwelling. And their effect directions were exactly same as the common sense.

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Author Biography

Myagmarsuren Boldbaatar

PhD candidate, Department of Economics and Statistics, College of Business and Economics, Korea University, Republic of Korea