Монгол оюутнуудын aнгли хэлний /r/ эгшиг авианы дуудлагын алдаанд хийсэн дүн шинжилгээ (МУИС-ийн ШУС-ийн англи хэлний дунд түвшний оюутны жишээгээр)

An Analysis of the English Phoneme /r/ Produced by Mongolian Students (A Case Study of the Inter Mediate Level Students at the School of Arts and Sciences, NUM)


  • Oyunsuren Ts. Доктор PhD, МУИС, ШУС, Хүмүүнлэгийн Ухааны Салбар, Их Британи, Америк судлалын тэнхим.
  • Batsuren R. Доктор PhD, МУИС, ШУС, Хүмүүнлэгийн Ухааны Салбар, Их Британи, Америк судлалын тэнхим



спектрограмм бичлэгийн (Праат) арга, авиалбар, эгшиг, гийгүүлэгч, формант


The present research study aimed to analyze the English phoneme /r/ production by a cohort of 12 Mongolian intermediate-level students. In this respect, we investigated formants 1 and 2 of the /r/ phoneme produced by the intermediate students of the School of Arts and Sciences at NUM. The theoretical classification of the formants devised by Bulgantamir S. was applied in our study. We chose “r” phoneme words based on their positions in the study. In particular, we utilized ten types of “r” phoneme combinations, namely, r+ front, long, close vowel, r+ front, short, close vowel, r+ front, short, mid vowel, r+ back, long, mid vowel, r+ central, short, open vowel, r+ diphthong, plosive, velar consonant + r, fricative, labiodental consonant + r, plosive, bilabial consonant + r, and plosive, alveolar consonant + r. Specifically, we aimed to identify the /r/ phoneme pronunciation errors. The findings demonstrated that the source of students' errors could be explained by interlingual transfers. Furthermore, we wrote a recommendation for the students to improve their pronunciation.


Гадаад хэлээр

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Монгол хэлээр

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How to Cite

Ts., O., & R., B. (2023). Монгол оюутнуудын aнгли хэлний /r/ эгшиг авианы дуудлагын алдаанд хийсэн дүн шинжилгээ (МУИС-ийн ШУС-ийн англи хэлний дунд түвшний оюутны жишээгээр): An Analysis of the English Phoneme /r/ Produced by Mongolian Students (A Case Study of the Inter Mediate Level Students at the School of Arts and Sciences, NUM). Mongolian Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures, 27(585), 91–102.

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