Aнгли хэлний энгийн одоо цагийн хэрэглээнд хийсэн алдааны дүн шинжилгээ (ШУС, ерөнхий суурийн оюутны жишээгээр)
An error analysis on the use of the present simple tense (in the example of the first-year students at the school of sciences)
алдаа, дүн шинжилгээ, дотоод алдаа, шалтгаан, нөлөөлөх хүчин зүйл, энгийн одоо цагAbstract
The purpose of the present research study was to carry out an error analysis on the use of the present simple tense. We investigated the errors in a corpus of 23 essays written by 23 first year students of the School of Sciences at NUM. The instrument used for this was students’ written essays in the English language. All the errors related to the present simple tense in these essays were identified, described, explained and evaluated. Specifically, we aimed to identify the sources of the errors. Furthermore, we conducted an interview on the types of errors based on the essay results among 28 students and discussed the results.
Монгол хэлээр:
Оюунсүрэн Ц., (2004), Англи хэлний сургалтын сорилгын сан, хэв шинж, үр дүнгийн судалгаа
(диссертаци), Улаанбаатар.
Туяа Ш.,(2017), Гадаад хэл сургалтын онол аргазүйн үндэс, Улаанбаатар. Соёмбо принтинг хэвлэлийн үйлдвэр
Гадаад хэлээр:
Corder S.P., (1982), Error Analysis and Interlanguage, Great Britain, Oxford University Press.
Jack. C. Richards, (1973), Error Analysis (Perspectives on Second Language Acquisition), London, Longman.
Selinker Larry, (1970), A Non-Contrastive Approach to Error Analysis, Article Prepared for the TESOL Convention, San Francisco, US Department of Health Education and Welfare Office of Education