Монгол хэлний үйлдүүлэх хэвт өгүүлэхүүн нь гишүүнийг үйлдэх ба өгөх-оршихын тийн ялгалаар захирах нь

The Governing Role of Causative Voice Predicates in Mongolian: Instrumental and Dative Locative Case Interactions


  • Мөнгөнцэцэг Б.


DOI: 10.22353/ms20234712

In this paper, we consider non derived verb stem which connected with passive voice suffix according to the meaning in group and most of words that indicate the action doesn’t belong to human, taking passive voice suffixes is depending on the order. Therefore, we aimed to explain close matter in the examples that agent active (human) average (animal) passive (thing) when original action performed agent who formed in dative, the meaning expressed in the sentence ordered by transitive verb. а. Action performed agent is animal, direct object is animal. b. Action performed agent is human, direct object is animal. c. Action performed agent is human, direct object is thing.
Ordering action is different with cause of action performed agent, object are human-human, human-animal, human-thing, animal-animal, animal-thing, thing-thing, some opportunities which to express, ordered by language structure, obviously depends on nonlinguistic factor.




How to Cite

Б., М. (2024). Монгол хэлний үйлдүүлэх хэвт өгүүлэхүүн нь гишүүнийг үйлдэх ба өгөх-оршихын тийн ялгалаар захирах нь: The Governing Role of Causative Voice Predicates in Mongolian: Instrumental and Dative Locative Case Interactions. Mongolian Studies, 47(597), 154–162. Retrieved from



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