Монгол хэлний дан үг шууд бус, дам нэрлэлт бүхий болох тухай асуудалд

Issues of becoming with indirect and associative naming in Mongolian single words


  • Даваажаргал Г.


When human being produce new denotation of language, they use ready materials and newly connect the language phenomena to note new connections between new concept and understanding or reluctant to make new and unknown words which do not exist in the lexicology. But prefer to use existing signs to denote new things.

After human knows something, there is a need to create a sign to denote it. So denotation isn’t only general denotation of events, manner of something but it’s the denotation of attribute. It is known about what is the difference between attribution of old and new thing and comfortable to make choice. Whether is called in new and former denotation. The language expression could be different role from original one or mark new thing from originally marked one.

It is common to transfer former meaning into new meaning to call new concept in long time, which is connected to language equals symmetric but it’s connected to language unequals (asymmetric). So one denotation transferred another one or role would be different, which was marked in linguistic as first and second denotation direct and indirect denotation. Second denotation could be created with the usage of meaning transfer from one into another and reflect new attribution of realities based on former known. Basically second denotation is transformation in the first meaning into another one. Any unit of language could be the first and second denotation. This kind of unit is differed in structure and same in role expressing emotion and values.




How to Cite

Г., Д. (2023). Монгол хэлний дан үг шууд бус, дам нэрлэлт бүхий болох тухай асуудалд: Issues of becoming with indirect and associative naming in Mongolian single words. Mongolian Studies, 38(412), 24–32. Retrieved from



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