Инжаннашийн “Нэгэн давхар асар”, “Улаанаа ухилах танхим” хоймсон роман дахь монголын уран зохиолын уламжлалыг тодруулах нь


  • Нандин-Эрдэнэ Х.


Оньсого, зүйр үг , хуурын үлгэр , бэлгэдэл , зан заншил, хуримын ёс , хадаг барих ёс, тамхилах ёс


DOI: 10.22353/ms20224619


“One-Storey Pavilion” and “The Chamber of Red Tears” novels by Injannash were  enriched the narrative and lyrical traditions of Mongolian literature supported on traditional methods of Chinese literature. It was revealed artistic feature of Mongolian literature using Mongolian folklore such as riddles, proverbs, sky worship, chronology and symbols of the number nine. Finally, “One-Storey Pavilion” and “The Chamber of Red Tears” by the great writer Injannash were enriched Mongolian epic traditions which inhering Mongolian and Chinese folklore and written literary traditions. This article intends to analyze and to summarize on examples of expression of traditional customs and symbolic thinking of Mongolian literature. The article consists of such parts: riddles, proverbs, symbols of the number nine and traditional customs including comparative examples of Mongolian and Chinese. 




How to Cite

Х., Н.-Э. (2023). Инжаннашийн “Нэгэн давхар асар”, “Улаанаа ухилах танхим” хоймсон роман дахь монголын уран зохиолын уламжлалыг тодруулах нь. Mongolian Studies, 46(587), 165–173. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/5864



Утга зохиол, урлаг судлал