О тюркском влиянии на сложение комплекса номадной лексики в монгольских языках

Turkish effect on building complex of nomadic lexicon in the Mongolian language


  • Рассадин В.И.


The article is devoted to the problem of interaction of Turkic and Mongolian languages, in particular, to Turkic influence on lexicon of the Mongolian languages. The problem is considered on the example of the nomad lexicon of the main Mongolian languages: Mongolian, Buryat, Oirat and Kalmyk.

The complex of terms includes not only sex- and age- specific terms of five kinds of cattle, but also the names of parts of a body of these animals, the terms connected with their economic use, the characteristics of pastures, fodder grasses.

Our research has shown that the formation of all these terms is connected with the Turkic language, in particular, with ancient Bulgar language, i.e. the language of Ogurs, which acts as a substratum-language.





How to Cite

В.И., Р. (2023). О тюркском влиянии на сложение комплекса номадной лексики в монгольских языках: Turkish effect on building complex of nomadic lexicon in the Mongolian language. Mongolian Studies, 30(318), 146–156. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/4673



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