Монгол хэлний "бэлчир" хийгээд "бэлчирлүүлэхгүй" гэдэг үгийг утга, соёл, хэрэглээний талаас нь шинжлэхүй

Examining Mongolian words “бэлчир” and “бэлчирлүүлэхүй” from semantic, cultural and applied perspectives


  • Пүрэв-Очир Б.


This time we have examined two Mongolian words, the noun “бэлчир” and the verb “бэлчирлуулэхуй”. As we expect, these two words have been keeping and containing unique meanings, functions and nuances from their lexical, semantic, cultural and applied perspectives. They are interrealated, as we have considered, in many ways with the life skills, the relationships between cognitive and conventional modes, educational and cultural practices of Mongolians as owners of their own culture and mother language, also with the maners and ways of word, meaning, sentence and discourse revision in spoken and written languages.

Those two words on which we have made some observations and notes, have been used in conventional speeches of Mongolians as single words, compounds, pair words, idioms as well as scientific terms with unique differences, nuances, natural repetitive gradations and vigorous energies from the perspectives of applied linguistics, anthropology, ethno and psycho-linguistics.

Our analysis on those two words has been made according to (1) these two particular words and their meanings, (2) the conventional view of Mongolians on the verb “бэлчирлуулэхуй”, (3) the ways of revising and refining word and meaning in a sentence, (4) the ways of repeated lines and strokes in a natural gradation in a discourse level, and has been supported and illustraded by a number of samples and facts gained from literary sources starting with the “Secret History of Mongols” and ending with the literary and other genres of modern times.

Finally, wc have made some conclusions based on the analysis of the words: (1) the noun “бэлчир” has been understood and used as a concept of “distance and space”, the verb “бэлчирлуулэхуй” as a concept of dynamics, “бэлчирлуулэхуй” as concept of statics, (2) the point of view of Mongolians on these two words are variable and multilatered, and their representatives have been proved in many literary facts, (3) the principle of natural gradation of lines and strokes in a literary discourse have been revealed and recognized in the ways and techniques of word and meaning revision in any sentence and discourse level.




How to Cite

Б., П.-О. (2023). Монгол хэлний "бэлчир" хийгээд "бэлчирлүүлэхгүй" гэдэг үгийг утга, соёл, хэрэглээний талаас нь шинжлэхүй: Examining Mongolian words “бэлчир” and “бэлчирлүүлэхүй” from semantic, cultural and applied perspectives. Mongolian Studies, 30(318), 100–108. Retrieved from



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