Орчин үеийн яруу найргийн туурвил зүйд бэлгэдлийг ашигласан туршлага

On the examples of usage of symbols in modem Mongolian poetry


  • Бигэрмаа Р.


Монголын орчин үеийн уран зохиол, бэлгэдэл зүй, яруу найраг, уламжлал шинэчлэл, өнгө, дүрс, тооны бэлгэдэл, зан заншил, гэр


Generally, the literature of any nation evolves in a similar way with development of its history, society and culture. The history of written literature in Mongolia accounts over 1000 years and the poetry is rightfully acclaimed as having the deepest roots of tradition and widest popularity among people. Poetry is a sumptuous merit of the national mentality, the inner world of the human soul, its desires, goals as well as its cultural and artistic world.

The contemporary poetry in Mongolia is considered to be started after the national revolution. Its history begins with a revolutionary thematic song - “Shivee Khiagt”, which was created by soldiers. Since that time, the Mongolian poetry has been developing and improving during over eighty years, on basis of a rich heritage of the written literature and the national folklore, adopting the best experiences of the world classical literature as well as reflecting the demands of present time.

In ancient times, the symbolic system has been developing in Mongolian literature including numbers, color, time, direction etc.

In this article, the author studied the specific feature of poetry by D.Natsagdoij, B.Yavuukhulan and B.Lkhagvasuren. The main purpose of this article is to investigate symbolism in their work. I attempted to make an explanation on the symbolic meaning of customs, aesthetic features and forms in the poetry from a point of traditional view. For example: Mongolian ger symbolizes a tiny figure of the world. Mongols have horizontal and vertical measures using them to make ger.





How to Cite

Р., Б. (2023). Орчин үеийн яруу найргийн туурвил зүйд бэлгэдлийг ашигласан туршлага: On the examples of usage of symbols in modem Mongolian poetry. Mongolian Studies, 31(328), 254–264. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/4361



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