Кызылын чулуун агуйн ханаы зургууд дахь "Жатака"-ийн үлгэрүүд

Jakac’s fairy tales in the walls of the Kizil’s stone cave


  • Dao Ri Na


Будда бурхан, Жатака зураг, Ханын зураг, Кызылын агуй


7 km southeast of the village of Bai Cheng, the village of Kizil ming Ōy stone cave, this cave is located on Mount Taga. In the south, the River Moza will flow. God is the first station to be passed to China. The 3-rd century is the most ancient cave in the country, civic arts have many aspects of the ancient Indian landscape and the Greek culture the Buddha studied the illustrations of life before the englightenment of the goddess in the wall, the ancient books interpret the scriptures.




How to Cite

Dao Ri Na. (2023). Кызылын чулуун агуйн ханаы зургууд дахь "Жатака"-ийн үлгэрүүд: Jakac’s fairy tales in the walls of the Kizil’s stone cave. Mongolian Studies, 43(520), 193–199. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/4319



Утга зохиол, урлаг судлал