"Хэлмэгдсэн" шуудангийн маркийн нэгэн баримт

A document on “Repressed”postage stamp


  • Сарантуяа Б.


According to the Resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of Mongolian Revolutionary Party of 14 February 1962, there released 4 series of postage stamps, 2 post cards and of First Day Cover (FDC) dedicated to the 800th Anniversary of Genghis Khan, however, they were removed from sale and forbidden to be sold. During the period of such prohibition the government leaders of Mongolia and other foreign countries obtained such postage stamps for their private collection in compliance with the “Secret” order of the Minister of Communication of the People’s Republic of Mongolia number 173 on “Expenditure of stamps” dated 17 June 1974.

Since July 1989, the time of democratic reforms, marks have been returned to the sale market.




How to Cite

Б., С. (2023). "Хэлмэгдсэн" шуудангийн маркийн нэгэн баримт: A document on “Repressed”postage stamp. Mongolian Studies, 44(543), 298–304. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/4236



Тэмдэглэл, шүүмж