Д.Урианхайн жүжгийн зохиол дахь бэлгэдэл шинжийг шинжлэх нь


  • Мөчир


Д.Урианхай, жүжгийн зохиол, бэлгэдэл шинж


D.Uriankhai, a well-known Mongolian poet and writer of dramatic composition, began to try and write Dramatic composition in the 1990s, and in a short period of time he created many significant works that reflect the current situation and the human mind in a philosophical way.

The fact that it contains a lot of symbolic features is a big manifestation of the uniqueness of D.Uriankhai's dramatic composition. This symbol is reflected in the title of D.Uriankhai's dramatic composition and in the name, idea, character and events of the dramatic composition's protagonist.

D.Uriankhai's dramatic composition is characterized by a sharp symbolism, from the title of the play and the names of the main characters of the play to the events. It is also an important manifestation of the uniqueness of his playwriting and a major evolution in the methodology and design of traditional Mongolian play writing. He is also an important contributor to the development and reform of Mongolian literature.





How to Cite

Мөчир. (2023). Д.Урианхайн жүжгийн зохиол дахь бэлгэдэл шинжийг шинжлэх нь. Mongolian Studies, 44(543), 254–258. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/4218



Утга зохиол, урлаг судлал