МНТ-ы өнгө, зүсэм бүхий хүний нэрийн франц орчуулга
Personal names related to the colours in the french translation in the shm
МНТ-ы франц орчуулга, өнгө, зүсэм, хүний нэрAbstract
The Secret History of the Mongols has been transliterated and transcribed into Latin, Cyrillic and Uighur scripts several times. It has been translated into more than 20 languages, in some of which it was translated several times. Among them there are two French translations: the first is the incomplete translation of P. Pelliot and the second is the translation of Marie Dominique Even and Rodica Pop. In the second translation, dated to 1994, a large percentage of proper names had been translated. In this article we have tried to make an analysis of the translation of personal names related to the color and to the horse coat colors.
Монгол хэлээр:
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Чоймаа Ш., Монголын Нууц Товчоон, УБ, 2006
Гадаад хэлээр:
Котляр Наталья Александровна, ЭТИМОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ КЛАССЫ ФРАНЦУЗСКИХ ФАМИЛИЙ В ИСТОРИЧЕСКОМ РАЗВИТИИ, Московский Институт Иностранных Языков, ЭШӨ
Grevisse, Bon Usage, 2001
Marie-Dominique Even, Rodica Pop, Histoire Secrète des Mongols, Saint-Amand, 1994
P. Pelliot, Histoire secrète des Mongols, Paris, 1949
Igor de Rachewiltz, The secret history of the Mongols, A Mongolian Epic Chronicle of the Thirteenth Century, Vol. I
Igor de Rachewiltz, The secret history of the Mongols, A Mongolian Epic Chronicle of the Thirteenth Century, Vol. II
Pelliot et Louis Hambis, Histoire des campagnes de Gengis Khan. Cheng-wou ts'in-tcheng lou.
N. Poppe, Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher, Band 47, Wiesbaden 1975, ss.161-167
V. Rybatzki, From animal to name, remarks on the semantics of Middle Mongolian personal names, Helsinki. academia.edu
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