Франц хүний нэрийг монгол хэлнээ хөрвүүлэх нь
On translation of French proper names into Mongolian
хүний нэр, франц, галиглах, үсэгчлэх, үсгийн нийлэмж, авиаAbstract
In the modern world, we often come across foreign, including French, names. In the Mongolian mass media, in literary and other translations, in social networks, we incorrectly transcribe French names. Therefore, it is necessary to develop rules for the translation of French names into Mongolian and in the subsequent we must develop a generally recognized standard of transcription of the French proper names into Mongolian language. The French proper names come into the Mongolian language mainly through other languages, so we often write them and pronounce them incorrectly. We tried to establish the rules of transcription of French names to the Mongolian language; we hope that it will later become the basis for the development of a standard for the translation of French proper names.
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