Facebook буюу олон нийтийн мэдээллийн хэрэгслийг англи хэлний сургалтанд хэрэглэх нь
Using facebook or social media in the english language learning
интернет, facebook, хэл сурах, сошиал медиа буюу олон нийтийн мэдээллийн хэрэгсэл, оюутны сонирхол, орчин үеийн чиг хандлагаAbstract
Using the Facebook in the lesson was a new experience for students, not only technology-wise but also using the English language in the classroom also outside the classroom. It was observed that following the incorporation of the Facebook activity many of the more introverted students became more motivated in class and were actually talking more with their classmates. It was also noticed that students began to express more opinions and give extended reasoning in not only their face-to-face interactions but also in their written classwork. They become more creative and careful writers. While it is impossible to say that social networking was the reason for these differences, it can be said that it possibly played a role and these types of activities do show promise as they appear to give students choices and opportunities to have control over their own learning. These kinds of opportunities and environments may create conditions for facilitating the development of learner autonomy. This learning strategy also provides a way to model professional communications via social media. Optional participation with no interaction requirements was a key instructional design element that enabled the informal learning environment.
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