Үндэсний үзлийн тухай Нишида Китарогийн үзлээс
Өрнө болон дорно, өрсөлдөгч соёл, үндэсний соёл, шинэчлэл, орчин үежүүлэх, хариуцлагаAbstract
Nishida Kitaro also expressed his idea that in order to mare him or her reasonable, human being ought to be related to god and identify oneself, to accomplish good. These expressions are in his religious philosophical views. The main concept of his national pride in his philosophy of Nishida Kitaro is concern. In his view concern means responsibility. He said that individuals concern for one's county is a root for a county's development. He demanded Japanese intellectuals to compare themselves to the western intellectuals. This was his ambition to introduce western achievements into the Japanese society. It was a pattern of development. In his view this penetration can bring western competition into Japan. In his view it can intensity Japanese competitiveness.